BAR Library 
S Scale News 



Welcome to our new home! is a new web site being developed. Its focus will obviously be on railroads in the state of Maine. There is a wealth of information available on Maine railroads. But it is widely scattered - both on the Internet and in other media. The goal of this site will be to provide a focal point for information. In some cases we'll do that with simply with organization of and links to other information on the Internet. In other cases we'll do that by bringing new indices, etc. to the Internet. And in yet other cases, we plan to bring source documents to the Internet for others to use.   This is a long term project, and will not be completed instantly. It you have suggestions on additions, changes, etc. that you feel will improve the site for others, please email us and let us know. 


What's New on this Site....

  • BAR Modeling Topics
  • ORER pages with BAR information in the BAR Library

Modeling Maine Railroads

There is a wealth of information available on modeling Maine railroads. We'll attempt to provide a resource point for that information whether it's information on this site or links to other sites.

Coming soon...

  • Articles from BAR Maine Line employee magazine



We're pleased to host the DCC Corner. These pages will focus on NMRA Digital Command Control. Stop by if you're interested in DCC for your model railroad.

S Scale News

S Scale is the perfect scale fitting in size between HO (3/4S) and O. S Scale News will bring you the latest information from the world of S. 



Watch for future updates!


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